How Crypto bearish period is real bad for ICOs?

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Significantly, though there was a boom in the crypto market in 2017, now cryptocurrencies are going down day by day. That is a potential risk factor for future investors.


ICO or Initial Coin Offerings is a seen as not the real deal for the real-world investment. Since the price is going down for all cryptocurrency, it is not good for ICOs too. It seems the crypto bearish period is really bad for ICOs. Let’s go deeper!


Crypto bearish


Though from 13th October 2017 to 17th December 2017 the market value of bitcoin rose from $5600 to $19783, then it suddenly fell like a broken egg. Now in February 2019, it’s approx $3550. Following the pattern, Q1 2018 got $8.8 Billion ICO funding. But Q2 had only 5.5 Billion ICO funding, which represented the quarter-over-quarter decline. Surely bearish period of crypto, affected investors of crypto and also affected ICO Funding which sees huge decline in recent months. The main risk factor is- there is no surety whether the market goes up again or not. Also, this can be the golden chance for investment in cheaper price.


While potential of cryptocurrency is high, but because of some scammers too, it is loosing the hard earned reputation. The US market is also in a dull state, and also due to legal concerns investing in digital cryptocurrency is not picking up.


In the US, you need to be an accredited investor, to invest in the ICOs, according to the SEC. Because of this type of tough rules and regulations, the normal public is not able to understand or invest properly, and bearish time is not going away.


But it seems, 2019 may become the year, when the investing in cryptocurrencies will lead to a positive result- according to the market researchers. The crypto bearish period is really bad for ICOs, but in this year, we might see some improvements, regarding some states, they are changing their policies for investing in cryptocurrencies.

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