News Update: 16/09/19

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               1.Aventus Announces Ethereum-Based Protocol to Enhance Ticketing Industry

               2.Kyber Network DEX Launches Its Fiat-Crypto Gateway


1.Aventus Announces Ethereum-Based Protocol to Enhance Ticketing Industry

Aventus,The digital assets-focused blockchain-based protocol, has released a completely decentralized, open-source protocol in an effort to make the ticketing industry more transparent. The announcement is published on official blog .


Aventus Classic is based upon the Ethereum blockchain and enables anyone to create decentralized applications for the ticketing business.




As indicated by the Announcement “This release marks our first genuine step in engaging with the open-source community, as Aventus Classic will now be available to contributions from anyone and will never again be exclusively created by official partners of the Aventus Protocol Foundation.”


The release concurs with their Aventus Classic DApp Competition in partnership with The Satoshi Awards, which commends the cryptocurrency sector.


People have been challenged to fabricate a blockchain-based ticketing system, with the winner to be awarded $15,000 worth of Ether and 2 VIP tickets to the function. The winning build will be utilized as the ticketing platform for The Satoshi Awards’ first occasion, occurring mid-2020.


Terms and Conditions:-

  • All together for a contestant to be accepted the entire ‘core functionality’ of the determinations is required. The ‘potential additional usefulness’ is an added bonus that’ll make your submission standout.
  • It would be ideal if you submit pull requests in the linked Github repository. If they get accept and merge into the master branch, this will imply that you have won.
  • The last due date is the 12th November at 23:59pm BST.
  • Total prize amount of $15k in Ether to be paid out to the winner, or winning team, max two weeks post deadline.
  • The winner will receive an additional 2 VIP tickets to The Satoshi Awards taking place mid 2020. This only includes the tickets to the event and does not include anything else, such as flights, transportation, accommodation, etc.
  • The winner will be judged solely by The Satoshi Awards team and will NOT be decided by Aventus or any individual part of the Aventus Network.


2.Kyber Network DEX Launches Its Fiat-Crypto Gateway

Kyber Network the prominent on-chain liquidity aggregator for Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, has become the first DEX to support direct ether (ETH) buys using fiat. The Announcement is published its official medium post .


As indicated by its blog post “KyberSwap has recently entered a partnership with Coindirect, a 3rd party service backed by MakerDAO, which allows anyone to buy crypto with fiat easily, with low fees.




With this partnership, KyberSwap will be a quick, simple, secure DEX (decentralized exchange) for anyone, including totally new crypto clients!

  • Fiat to crypto on-ramp
  • Fully on-chain token swaps
  • Non-custodial Limit Orders
  • iOS and android mobile apps
  • Straightforward UI/UX

KyberSwap right now bolsters the trading of ether (ETH) and ERC20 tokens only, which means users can buy these tokens directly using fiat, as well as Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards as Coindirect supports these cards.


Buying crypto using Coindirect on KyberSwap

There are numerous components to consider when implementing this fiat to crypto on-ramp, and we believe that we have found the right balance to provide new users with the best crypto onboarding experience.

  • Great UI/UX
  • Low Fees
  • ETH quoted rate
  • No complex KYC for small amounts


According to Coindirect -“ High Risk countries have a daily/ transaction limit of EUR 100, and an overall limit ( over 90 days ) of EUR 250. Low Risk countries have a Daily/ transactional and overall limit of EUR 500 over 90 day period”

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