icomuch moderator(@icom_mod)
69 Posts
Quote from icomuch moderator on May 5, 2019, 12:29 pm

Azultec(AZU) aims to help solving the energy problem caused by high performance computing such as rendering with an innovative concept. The primary focus is an efficient,affordable and really fast rendering solution for small and large enterprises and to make rendering at home possible.
Name of ICO- Azultec
Sale start- March 20 ,2019
Sale ends- October 20, 2019
Price usd- 1 Azu= 0.024 USD
Min buy- 500/200 USD

Azultec(AZU) aims to help solving the energy problem caused by high performance computing such as rendering with an innovative concept. The primary focus is an efficient,affordable and really fast rendering solution for small and large enterprises and to make rendering at home possible.
Name of ICO- Azultec
Sale start- March 20 ,2019
Sale ends- October 20, 2019
Price usd- 1 Azu= 0.024 USD
Min buy- 500/200 USD